About Me

I am a mom of four awesome, fun, silly kids. I am a home school teacher. I am a wife. I am a christian.

But those are titles of mine, who am I?

My name is Christina. I have red hair, freckles, and mostly green eyes. I am a southern girl from North Carolina and Texas. I currently live in Texas with my kids and husband. I am blessed to share my life with my favorite person in this world. I literally married my best friend! I am creative and love to paint, sew, take pictures, sing, and garden. I also love animals, particularly cats and horses. I enjoy saving my family money and finding ways to lessen my impact on the planet. That is why this blog started although it has morphed into a bit of everything I love. I believe it's important for us to take care of this world God gave us. We don't have to do that perfectly, anymore than we do anything else, but I like finding ways to make more earth friendly choices when possible. Preferably without paying much more or being difficult to continue. A lot of changes we've made have been gradual. Our only goal is to continue making better choices over time, not to change everything all at once. It's one of those don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good things. As long as the choice we are making now is better than the choices we used to make then we are heading in the right direction. 

I think life should be happy and filled with people you love. Do the things you love and do what you can for others.